Exploring Social Cognition

Home | What is Social Cognition? | What is a Schema? | Why Do We Have Schemas? | Which schemas are applied? | The Perserverance Effect | Self-Fulfilling Prophecy | Judgmental Heuristics | Availability Heuristc | Representative Heuristc | Anchoring and Adustment Heuristic | Automatic Versus Controlled Thinking | Thought Suppression | Errors in Social Cognition | Links | Bibliography


Aronson, Wilson, Akert, and Ferh(2004). Social PsychologyToronto, Ontario: Pearson Education Canada Inc.

Bargh, J.A. (1994).  The four horseman of automaticity: Awareness, intention, efficiency, and control in social cognition. In R.S. Wyer, Jr., & T.K. Srull (Eds). Handbook of Social Cognition (Vol. 1, pp. 1-40).  Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.


Higgins, E.T. (1996).  Knowledge application.  Acessibility, applicability, and salience.  In E.T. Higgins and A.R. Kruglanski (Eds.), Social Psychology: Handbook of basic principles.  New York: Guilford, pp. 133-168.

Huitt, W. (2006). Social cognition. Educational Psychology   Interactive. Valdosta, GA: Valdosta State University. Retrieved [May 27, 2008].



Kenrick, D.T., Neuberg, S.L., & Cialdini, R.B. (2007). Social Psychology: Goals in Interaction (4th Ed.). Allyn & Bacon.


Social Cognition. (Last updated May 21, 2008). Retrieved May 23, 2008.